
Got a stinky room in your house? Try one of these genius DIY smell hacks to banish those gross smells. Whether your cooking smells have lingered or you have company coming over and you’d like to achieve that Pottery Barn scent before you open your door to them, these tips have us all covered. 

Smell Hacks! Got a stinky room in your house? Try one of these genius DIY ideas to banish those gross smells.

Smell Hacks

1. Dryer Sheets on a Fan

Create an instant air freshener by placing dryer sheets on the back of a fan. Do you think this works? Seems possible! (Source unknown)

Create an instant air freshener by placing dryer sheets on the back of a fan. Do you think this works? Seems possible! (Source unknown)

2. Clean a toilet with Coca Cola

Banish toilet smells while cleaning the gross bowl with some Coke. What?!

Clean a toilet with Coca Cola

3. Put fragrance in a toilet paper roll

Pick your favorite fragrance, place a few drops inside of a toilet paper roll, and the scent gets activated anytime someone pulls off some toilet paper from the roll!

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