

2 large spoons.Of extra virgin olive oil.

1 large spoon.Of chopped garlic.

Half a pound of steak.

1½ Cups.Of shredded carrot.

A pound. Of peeled shrimp, you need to de-veined them.

⅓ Cup.Of low-sodium soy sauce

¼ Cup.Of teriyaki sauce

¼ Cup.Of chopped green onion

1 small spoon.Of crushed red pepper flakes.

8-Ounces package. Of noodles, you need to cook them according to package instructions.


First Step:

Heat the olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat until shimmering. Cook in the steak for few minutes, until it is half-cooked, then add in the garlic, and carrot, and sauté for around 5 minutes, just until the vegetables are tender.

Second Step:

Next, In a separate skillet, sauté the shrimp for another 5 minutes, just until the shrimp are just beginning to turn pink.

Third Step:

In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, green onion, and red pepper flakes until well combined and smooth.

Fourth Step:

After that, you can toss the vegetable mixture in the sauce in the sauté pan until they are fully coated. Bring the sauce to a simmer and continue to cook for a couple of minutes to allow it to thicken a little.

Fifth Step:

And to finish, you need to toss in the cooked noodles until they are well coated, serve it warm, and now take pleasure in it!

These Shrimp & Teriyaki Steak Noodles are not only a delicious weekday or weekend dinner, but they can also be prepared in just two pans! That’s correct, there will be very few dishes for you to clean up later. Make yourself some homemade Shrimp & Teriyaki Steak Noodles and cozy up with a nice book or watch a good movie in your pyjamas!!

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