The Reason Why The Leg Cramps During The Night And How To Stop This Forever

This is how to prepare it:


½ cup magnesium chloride flakes
½ cup distilled water

Boil the water and add the flakes while stirring. When they are dissolved, remove them from heat and let them cool. Then, pour the oil in a spray bottle.


You should spray 5-10 sprays on each leg at bedtime.

Despite this, we will also suggest the following tips:

Do stretches

Stretching prevents leg cramps, as it boosts blood flow, and thus helps the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells. The easiest way is with a ledge and resting a ball of the foot while the heel is on the floor.

Next, shift the weight on the ledge, hold for 2 seconds and rest 10. Make 6-8 repetitions with each leg. In this way, you will relax the calves.

More vitamin D

This vitamin is extremely important for the absorption of calcium, which is an electrolyte and balances the body fluids. The best way to boost the levels of this vitamin in the body is through the exposure to sun, as well as the consumption of seafood and mushrooms.

Imbalance in electrolytes

Proper hydration of the body prevents cramps. If this does not work, the electrolytes might be imbalanced in the body, and the following drink will be extremely beneficial:

Electrolyte Drink- Recipe:

You should mix half a teaspoon of unionized salt, 1-quart water, 6 teaspoons of sugar. You might substitute the sugar with honey, and in this case, reduce salt by 1/2.wo limes and lemon juice, and drink this beverage daily.

If you suffer from leg cramps, you should:

walk with slow pace anytime you can, to improve the blood flow
massage the caves with circular movements
extend the cramping leg and flex ankles, place the toes pointed upward and in the direction of the knees, and then tug the feet, and stretch.

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